Wednesday 2 November 2011

Let go!

Sometimes, no matter how hard you treasure someone, they’ll never treasure you back the way you do, and sometimes, you have to be okay with that.

In the process of loving and committing ourselves to the other person the worst mistake that we do is to completely forget about our own identity and start relying on the other person completely. We forget that the most important thing in a relationship is mutual respect for each other and that the other persona shouldn't start disrespecting your feelings and take you for granted. Because to stay true to oneself is the most important thing in a relationship.

We think that we are always at the receiving end in all kind of relationships. Sometimes, no matter how hard u treasure someone, they’ll never treasure u back the way u do, and sometimes, you have to be okay with that. At such a juncture in my life when we lose faith in every and any kind of relationship we end up thinking that maybe there’s something horribly wrong.

Letting that feeling creep in is the worst punishment that anybody can give himself. We should introspect but never suspect our self. Instead we should figure out a solution to give it back to the undeserving people who hurt us because after all  life is too precious to be wasted on people who don’t care for us.

Let the quest to discover oneself begins from here on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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