Not bad for a brand to create such a superb brand recall. Kudos to the team who worked on this campaign. It's one of my all time favourite campaign
Coming back to our post idea - Express Yourself.
These are not just any two words but they define the course of your life.
What hurts more?
Saying something and then regretting why you said it
Not saying anything and then regretting why you didn't say it?
My vote goes for the second one. Why should you hide your feelings for any darn thing. God gave us the art of speech and expression so that we can express ourselves freely. What if it hurts later. It's ok atleast you'll not live with a grudge that you didn't let it out.
Even if no one is listening to you then also butt it out. You never know God might be too busy and might need a second reminder.
Scores of songs, stories, advertisements, films have been written on 'EXPRESS YOURSELF' theme.
Some of my favourite ones are - Madonna's Express Yourself song, Airtel campaign and Lady Gaga's 'Born this way' song which in a way echos the same thought. | | |
Well expressing yourself is as important as breathing, eating, sleeping or loving.
You have to be real and not fake because fake doesn't last for long. If you want the relationship of your dreams, you gotta feel good enough about yourself to be real.
It’s pretty easy to start a relationship but difficult to sail through.
Here’s where the sticky part comes in: What do you do the first time you feel angry and you are scared to express yourself as you might get labelled as a bitch?
So you say nothing. You swallow how you really feel and come back for more of that “easy” relationship.
But what is it like being in that relationship now?
• Do you feel the same love you felt in the beginning?
• Do you feel hurt, confused, unhappy, just ok, kind of shut down?
• Do you want to spend less and less time with your significant other?
• Do you resent doing the things for your partner/friend/family you used to do happily?
• Do you sometimes feel, “If this is how it’s going to be, then I’m better off alone?”
Is this the way to have a relationship? What went wrong? started the relationship on a wrong foot. You didn't EXPRESS YOURSELF and that's why you feel so burdened.
Somehow, somewhere, our middle class values have taught us to be nice. To be nice you have to stuff your anger deep inside somewhere and hide it away, or you won’t be nice.
But this is the biggest blunder we do. Not expressing yourself without any guilt has far worse repercussions than what we presume.
To be fully whole and fully supportive of yourself, you have to allow yourself to have and express your feelings – appropriately, of course. And that includes anger.
It will help your relationship blossom like never before.
Have you ever watched a baby express himself? If he is angry, he'll howl at the top of his voice to make the entire household go into a tizzy but as soon as he is comforted or had his diaper changed or is fed, he is happy again. No stuck feelings.
Same way we are conditioned to express ourselves through various emotions. We should not allow any bad feelings make their home in our heart because eventually they will hurt us the most than anyone else. Stuffing your anger away,will not work. It will create more anger, resentment, arguments, and will have upsets of every variety.