Yesterday while watching Roger Federer create history against Andy
Murray (by winning the 7th Wimbledon Grand Slam) suddenly the thought of
Monday Blues befell and I felt how good it would be if I can make an
excuse of not feeling well and take a day off.
To my surprise, when I woke up today morning I was actually not feeling well.
Guess it happens to all of us that when we want to avoid any event or meeting we conveniently, get sick overnight and sometimes we actually do get sick.
So why does that happen?
Is it sheer coincidence, or is there something deep inside our mind that is actually responsible for us getting sick?
Well, the truth is that – even though we may not have had the conscious thought that becoming sick would be the solution – our subconscious mind “thought” that if we were sick we could avoid the event and thus made us sick.
We are most likely completely unconscious of that thought, but our body responded to it nonetheless.
Not that our subconscious listens only to negative thoughts but sometimes it does the opposite too.
It’s our thoughts and beliefs that decide whether we get sick in the first place, how fast we recover from a disease, or whether we recover at all.
Many scientific researches and Ayurveda have proved the concept of having the ability to heal ourselves by using the POWER OF OUR MIND.
Even Doctors say mind can override the body.
That’s why we hear the dialogue “Ab inhe dawa ke saath saath duwa ki bhi jarurat hai” so often in Hindi movies.
Many doctors would tell you that some people get better when they are given a “sugar pill”, even though this pill has no medical value whatsoever.
It is not the medicine but their belief that does the trick.
There are number of examples wherein people through their strong beliefs and conviction have challenged death on its face and have come victorious.
Lisa Ray was diagnosed with multiple myeloma on 23 June 2009, a cancer of the white blood cells known as plasma cells, which produce antibodies.

It is a rare disease. With strong will power and stem cell transplant she fought cancer and was raring to go in April 2010.
Since then she has become an inspiration to lot of people.
On the power of mind she said, “Overcoming cancer is not about healing the body; it’s about healing the mind. As a patient, I had to go through fear and isolation, it is human. I have learnt that conquering cancer is all about attitude.”
Yuvraj Singh had the entire world under his feet when he won the world cup.

Nobody could think that the flamboyant poster boy of Indian cricket could be suffering from lung cancer.
Yuvraj said that he fought the cancer and the subsequent fatigue with a lot of determination.
He was really inspired by Lance Armstrong, the cycling legend, who was given less than 40 per cent survival chance at the time of his diagnosis but battled it with lot of courage.
Yuvi believes that his battle with cancer has made him more disciplined and now he values life and simple things more than what he did earlier.
So there is a positive even in negative.
We just need a strong heart and mind to move on from there.
There is one more example that I would like to elucidate more because I find it too inspiring and less rhetorical – Stephen Hawking, a British theoretical physicist and author.

His mother believes that his life changed for better after he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
She said when he was younger he wasted his life.
He had an absolutely brilliant mind and he did nothing with it.
During his Oxford days when his class was given a problem to solve in a week’s time. Everyone would work day and night to solve the problem but still would not be able to solve it.
On the other hand Stephen Hawking would get drunk and party all week, and not even look at the problem.
Then he’d wake up, hungover, on Friday morning and finally decide to cast his bleary eyes over it.
Two hours later he would have solved it, handed it in, and gone back to bed or to the pub.
Stephen Hawking was a genius but he spent his time drinking and sleeping.
Then something happened to change that.
He was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or motor-neurone disease.
He was told that his body would stop working parts by parts and eventually he’d die.
So basically he was given a death sentence which he never thought even in his dreams.
But as per his mother it was a blessing in disguise. It had a wonderful effect on his mind.
Previously he lived as if there was all the time in the world.
He was suddenly came face to face with a very harsh reality. He realised he had very little time. If he didn’t use it appropriately, he’d do nothing but die.
His didn’t want to waste his life. So he began living every day as if it was his last.
Fighting against the disease and the clock.
However, the disease took over his whole body and he couldn’t move a single muscle except in his cheek.He couldn’t even talk.
But that physical inability didnt deter his strong mind and will power.
By using the single muscle in his cheek he managed to type ‘A Brief History Of Time’.
This book stayed on the Sunday Times bestseller list for nearly five years, selling over ten million copies worldwide.
And to prove everyone wrong he didn’t actually die as expected.
He went on to hold the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge University, for thirty years until he retired.
A post once held by Isaac Newton.
His mother considered the motor neurone disease as the best thing that could have happened to him.
We would think how can a mother say that about her son? She has to be a stone hearted to say that.
But the truth is she could compare a wasted to life to a contented life. She compared his previous life to the life post his disease.
And as per her motor neurone-disease was a blessing since it gave a new meaning and direction to his otherwise wasted life.
So the point I am making here is that we can change the REALITY of the real world if our CONTEXT IN THE MIND is clear.
There is no reality outside our minds.
The only reality we can ever know is inside our heads.
As Buddha said “All there is, is mind.”
So MIND THE MIND and the entire world will be yours.
To my surprise, when I woke up today morning I was actually not feeling well.
Guess it happens to all of us that when we want to avoid any event or meeting we conveniently, get sick overnight and sometimes we actually do get sick.
So why does that happen?
Is it sheer coincidence, or is there something deep inside our mind that is actually responsible for us getting sick?
Well, the truth is that – even though we may not have had the conscious thought that becoming sick would be the solution – our subconscious mind “thought” that if we were sick we could avoid the event and thus made us sick.
We are most likely completely unconscious of that thought, but our body responded to it nonetheless.
Not that our subconscious listens only to negative thoughts but sometimes it does the opposite too.
It’s our thoughts and beliefs that decide whether we get sick in the first place, how fast we recover from a disease, or whether we recover at all.
Many scientific researches and Ayurveda have proved the concept of having the ability to heal ourselves by using the POWER OF OUR MIND.
Even Doctors say mind can override the body.
That’s why we hear the dialogue “Ab inhe dawa ke saath saath duwa ki bhi jarurat hai” so often in Hindi movies.
Many doctors would tell you that some people get better when they are given a “sugar pill”, even though this pill has no medical value whatsoever.
It is not the medicine but their belief that does the trick.
There are number of examples wherein people through their strong beliefs and conviction have challenged death on its face and have come victorious.
Lisa Ray was diagnosed with multiple myeloma on 23 June 2009, a cancer of the white blood cells known as plasma cells, which produce antibodies.
It is a rare disease. With strong will power and stem cell transplant she fought cancer and was raring to go in April 2010.
Since then she has become an inspiration to lot of people.
On the power of mind she said, “Overcoming cancer is not about healing the body; it’s about healing the mind. As a patient, I had to go through fear and isolation, it is human. I have learnt that conquering cancer is all about attitude.”
Yuvraj Singh had the entire world under his feet when he won the world cup.
Nobody could think that the flamboyant poster boy of Indian cricket could be suffering from lung cancer.
Yuvraj said that he fought the cancer and the subsequent fatigue with a lot of determination.
He was really inspired by Lance Armstrong, the cycling legend, who was given less than 40 per cent survival chance at the time of his diagnosis but battled it with lot of courage.
Yuvi believes that his battle with cancer has made him more disciplined and now he values life and simple things more than what he did earlier.
So there is a positive even in negative.
We just need a strong heart and mind to move on from there.
There is one more example that I would like to elucidate more because I find it too inspiring and less rhetorical – Stephen Hawking, a British theoretical physicist and author.
His mother believes that his life changed for better after he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
She said when he was younger he wasted his life.
He had an absolutely brilliant mind and he did nothing with it.
During his Oxford days when his class was given a problem to solve in a week’s time. Everyone would work day and night to solve the problem but still would not be able to solve it.
On the other hand Stephen Hawking would get drunk and party all week, and not even look at the problem.
Then he’d wake up, hungover, on Friday morning and finally decide to cast his bleary eyes over it.
Two hours later he would have solved it, handed it in, and gone back to bed or to the pub.
Stephen Hawking was a genius but he spent his time drinking and sleeping.
Then something happened to change that.
He was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or motor-neurone disease.
He was told that his body would stop working parts by parts and eventually he’d die.
So basically he was given a death sentence which he never thought even in his dreams.
But as per his mother it was a blessing in disguise. It had a wonderful effect on his mind.
Previously he lived as if there was all the time in the world.
He was suddenly came face to face with a very harsh reality. He realised he had very little time. If he didn’t use it appropriately, he’d do nothing but die.
His didn’t want to waste his life. So he began living every day as if it was his last.
Fighting against the disease and the clock.
However, the disease took over his whole body and he couldn’t move a single muscle except in his cheek.He couldn’t even talk.
But that physical inability didnt deter his strong mind and will power.
By using the single muscle in his cheek he managed to type ‘A Brief History Of Time’.
This book stayed on the Sunday Times bestseller list for nearly five years, selling over ten million copies worldwide.
And to prove everyone wrong he didn’t actually die as expected.
He went on to hold the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge University, for thirty years until he retired.
A post once held by Isaac Newton.
His mother considered the motor neurone disease as the best thing that could have happened to him.
We would think how can a mother say that about her son? She has to be a stone hearted to say that.
But the truth is she could compare a wasted to life to a contented life. She compared his previous life to the life post his disease.
And as per her motor neurone-disease was a blessing since it gave a new meaning and direction to his otherwise wasted life.
So the point I am making here is that we can change the REALITY of the real world if our CONTEXT IN THE MIND is clear.
There is no reality outside our minds.
The only reality we can ever know is inside our heads.
As Buddha said “All there is, is mind.”
So MIND THE MIND and the entire world will be yours.